Thursday 26 November 2015

A real page turner from Solange Ritchie

The Burning Man by Solange Ritchie

5 out of 5*

 A wonderful book - a real page turner.

Who is The Burning Man?  Why does he do it?  Can he be stopped?  And at what cost? 

Solange Ritchie has written an excellent psychological thriller that will keep you trying to work out the answers to these and many other questions, with twists and turns all the way through this novel.

Cat is the lead character, a wonderful strong female FBI Agent and Forensic Pathologist who struggles like many successful and powerful women to balance her work and home life.  But even with her amazing understanding of the minds of killers and all her FBI training, can she find this man and stop the trail of havoc he leaves in his wake? 

Very much a recommended read.  I thoroughly enjoyed The Burning Man and look forward to seeing what Solange brings out next.

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